Sir Thomas Abney






Sir Thomas Abney, was Lord Mayor of the Cityi of London, England, England 1700 – 1702, and an Alderman on its City Council up through 1722 when he died.  He was one of the men who founded the Bank of England, which operates today into the 21st Century.


His castle was outside the London area, and the serfs who farmed his land worshipped together with his family at the little church on their manor. It was a different church, in that it was a Reformation Church, rather than a Church of England. It was called the Chapel at Willesley. 


Isaac Watts, the composer of many, many hymns, was a musician who played for and wrote much of the music sang by that congregation. He, of course, was a musician at other churches as well.  His musical fame is broad and he is considered in England as the Father of Hymnody.  However, his connection to our family is that he was given lodging for the last 33 years of his life at the Thomas Abney Castle, and was considered a close 'adopted' family member.

 Sir Thomas Abney is my 4th cousin, 8 times removed. Here os a gemealogical chart to show how Sir Thomas is related to me.


D. A. Sharpe

805 Derting Road East

Aurora, TX 76078-3712