This is a summary sheet about Sharpe information


The Sharpe website is a source of reasonably full disclosure about Dwight Albert (D. A.) Sharpe, who several different hats.  First, I am a Christian man.


I am a fifth-generation Texan, with family roots as citizens of the Republic of Texas; a sixth-generation United States citizen, descended from an American Revolutionary soldier; an eighth-generation German immigrant from 1710; and a tenth-generation American, descended from Mayflower leadership who arrived in 1620.  My earliest direct ancestor is a Viking, Gor Thorrason, born around 400 AD, who is my 38th great grandfather.  My earliest lateral ancestor is Godwulf, born about 80 AD, related both to my Sharpe line and to our son-on-lawÕs Westmoreland line.  Charlemagne (Charles the Great) is my 38th great grandfather, born 742.


The earliest ancestor recorded as professing faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God in our Sharpe family was a pagan Scottish monarch led to that profession by a Roman Catholic evangelist baptizing the King in 591, sent to England by Pope Gregory the Great.


Provided on my information website are biographical sketches from six different perspectives. (1) A personal life biographical sketch; (2) occupational experiences; (3) a Christian testimony; (4) a genealogical & historical sketch; (5) a political participation sketch and (6) a church experiences & organizations sketch.


The 22 organizations of which I am a member are cited.


The 10 Churches which have been the focus of my life where ever my residence has been.


The 30 publications to which I subscribe are identified.


The 17 United States Presidents and seven U.S. Vice Presidents related to our family are displayed.


There are 27 famous AmericansÕ biographical sketches who are related to the Sharpe family.


There are 21 famous international people of governance or military fame related to our family.


There are 16 stores of lifeÕs experiences that have been written and distributed to a subscription list, and there are copies of over two dozen articles written by or in which he is mentioned that have appeared over the years in four different newspapers.


There is a chart indicating the 63 British monarchs out of the 73 who have ruled over the past 1,400 years who are related to the Sharpe family.


There are some internationally known Christian people related to the Sharpe family, such and Isaac Watts and as Smith Wigglesworth.


ThereÕs an explanation of the Texas Navy in which both D. A. and Suzanne Sharpe are honorary Admirals, having been Commissioned by two consecutive Texas Governors.


Miscellaneous other sources are provided for your review.









Dwight Albert (D. A.) Sharpe

Suzanne Margaret Boggess Sharpe

805 Derting Road East

Aurora, TX 76078-3712


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